Cold-Weather Use of Pack Animals The dream of shooting that big buck or trophy bull elk comes to every hunter with onset of hunting season. Visions of this trophy hanging on their wall brings pleasure to the soul. I can fully understand, because for 35 years this call of the wild beckons to me in the late summer or early fall months. It calls me to the mountains in anticipation of the hunting season. Throughout my younger years I couldn't wait to throw my pack together and head for the hills. This consisted of a sleeping bag, some meager cans of soup, chili, stew, and a loaf of bread. Of course, I took my trusty horse and one change of clothes. This was it, and as I look back I remember the ground being hard and cold. Well the School of Hard Knocks taught me, as I got older, that there really was a better way to plan a hunting trip. Instead of rushing off to the mountains, I've learned to control that urge and take the time to plan meals and gear, thus making a more pleasant hunting experience for myself and the animals that would pack my food and gear. I started to provide horse blankets for the horses while they travel in the trailer. When the temperature gets down to 20 and you are traveling down the highway at a high rate of speed with only the thought of reaching your favorite hunting spot, the poor animals you're hauling are standing in a chill factory of below 0. A good horse blanket is a sure way to guarantee that horse or mule will be able to pack your gear. Consider your animal's health and safety and realize they are under extreme stress traveling in cold weather. I put a horse blanket on my animals when the temperature gets down to around 40. 1 use a lined winter blanket made of water-proof canvas that covers the rump of the horse and wraps around the front shoulders. I personally don't load a saddled horse and travel down the road for a long distance. If you place a horse blanket on a saddled horse the cold air will circulate up and around the horse, plus perspiration of the horse will make it even colder. A close fitting blanket made of canvas, which allows perspiration to go through, will serve your horse or mule well. Proper feed is an important factor for your animal during winter months. The metabolism function of a horse is lower in cold weather so rich, dust-free hay is a must. Using hay pellets provides a higher protein level for winter hunting trips. You should never feed your horse from a canvas feed bag while traveling down the road. If you have been doing this, and have not had any problems, consider yourself lucky. Let me explain: a canvas feed nose bag that goes up over the head of the horse has a small area of leather on the side with ventilation holes in the side. When you place grain or feed into this bag these holes do not allow enough air to get through to the horse while it feeds, and the dust that is created within is breathed into the horse's lungs. Not only the dust but in colder weather the moisture of the horse's breath is higher and it is breathed into the lungs. By the time you've reached your destination the horse most likely will have a lung problem that produces a cough. You may think back and remember this occurring. There are feed bags made of a mesh material thus allowing enough air to circulate through while the horse or mule feeds. The horse trailer we carry the animals in while traveling down the road is very important too. A tandem axle is excellent , for it provides a smoother ride on a rough road. A single axle can be used, but your animals will experience a more relaxing ride with the tandem axle. The floor of your horse trailer should be kept clean and in good condition. Keeping it clean will allow good drainage and longer life of the wood floor. A good rubber mat will keep it warmer and work as a shock absorber. A good quality worm medicine is important as the winter months come about. Worm your horse or mule three times a year so they can have the maximum benefit of good feed. It's a good idea to change the brand of the worm medicine every now again. Also, when you've finished your hunting trips and snow is on the land, pull the horses' shoes off and trim their hoofs.